©Market Leadership Systems International.  Email: support@thinkingstyles.biz

BTLS ComSIM Accredited

Develop insight into how you think about things, others and your world. It defines who you are, what is important to you, the way that you communicate and the way you prefer to be communicated to.


Why better Business  Thinking matters….?

Understanding your own thinking preferences

The insight you will gain from the BTLS profile will help you understand how your colleagues and customers think about things, what is important to them and finding ways to communicate more effectively.

Understand your colleagues and customers

The BTLS provides an easy to understand and pragmatic way for you to understand your work-environment better, empowering you to be respond to others in a manner that will be easy for them to understand.

Relate to your customer

The BTLS will empower you to reach out to customers, be more efficient in your sales approach and to develop higher levels of customer centricity.

Become more inter-personal effective

BTLS Personal Profiles

The BTLS Business Thinking and Leadership Styles provide powerful insight the way that individuals think and communicate in the workplace. With five graphical reports, you can get an immediate overview of your thinking preferences, how it changes in the work place and your approach to innovation and leadership.

Understand your workplace thinking styles

Our BTLS Business Thinking Styles profile with Innovation and Coaching measurements are all aligned to international best practice - successful companies differentiate themselves with an innovation and coaching orientation. BTLS can contribute directly towards your success with its powerful results and reports.

Dr Christiaan Mostert, CEO

BTLS Personal Profile:  Detailed Reports

A detailed discussion of all your BTLS profiles provide insight into your personal profile. The simplicity but also comprehensive information from your BTLS profile make it a non-threatening and easy to understand and use.

The detailed discussion report is part of the BTLS approach of not having to have specialised HR support. All managers can easily access it and understand their staff complement.

BTLS Group or Team Profile

The Group Average profile provides insight into your teams and how they think. We achieve results through people and having detailed insight into the way your team thinks, what is important and their approach to coaching and leadership will provide great insight into their way of doing things.

The BTLS Group profile is a great team building exercise.

Insight into your teams and their strengths

BTLS Innovation and Coaching Measurements

Innovation and good leadership form the foundation of most successful organisations.

If you want to improve your organisational success, then the BTLS is an excellent starting point to understand who and what you are and how to harness the power of diverse thinking.

The BTLS profile displays information regarding the Innovation orientation within three sets of context: Normal thinking, Workplace and Needs.

The BTLS Coaching profile describes your approach to coaching considering your workplace thinking preferences.

The BTLS Leadership profile describes your approach to leadership within groups considering your workplace thinking preferences.

Innovation, coaching and leadership applications

Detailed discussion of your workplace thinking styles

BTLS Application Modules

The BTLS Business Thinking and Leadership Styles is a powerful tool that provides a golden thread to consistently focus participants to the delivery of various learning programmes:

Innovation, leadership and many other applications

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